97 year old uncle has this in his room

    by 14hammarby


    1. I have one in a curio cabinet that my wife has had for years, even before me. It is an oddity, nothing more.

    2. My friends mom had these all over. One was a cowboy with a hat and you’d pull up a barrel to a dong. Her parents were teachers

    3. Before all of this online smut was available, old people would make toys with wooden erections…and they LIKED it that way.

    4. My father’s office mate had one of those on his desk at one of the big accounting firms in the 80’s. Everyone just thought it was a goof, but totally accepted.

    5. zombie_overlord on

      I have one of these! My dad moved into a rental house when I was in hs and the previous tenant left it. I’ve had it for like 30 years now, and his name is Woody lol

      My 15yo thinks it’s the funniest thing ever

    6. I don’t mean this to be political in anyway, I’m sick of the politics on Reddit. But that things face looks exactly like Trump

    7. I am predicting this man spent some time in the Philipines at some point. Every Filipino friend of mine has this on a shelf in their house )or their parents do).

    8. 97 year old dude’s chuckle at the end gives me hope for my own future. I may still be the same perverted 6th grader I’ve always been, even when I’m in my 90s.

    9. When i was a kid i bought this as a kid because springs are cool, i was so innocent. Took me years later and realized ohhhh that is a penis.

      My parents didnt say anything, my friends didnt say anything. I remember the odd face from my parents and laughter from my friends.

    10. The_Ashen_Queen on

      I’m a mail carrier and one year, a guy gave a very similar gift to one of my coworkers. He clearly made it himself with a beer can and a wooden figure much like this.

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