JD Vance performs speech with his back to the audience. Audience is confused.

    by ExpertRedditUserHere


    1. Kamala Harris first interview was on ABC, the interviewer asked her how she would make life more affordable for the people…she said her neighbors were proud of their lawn, which vice president is more confusing, the one that doesn’t have eyes on the back of his head (common sense) or the one who have neighbors being proud of their lawn

    2. They’re wondering how long they have to stand there before they get their fifty bucks, and whatever donut makes sense.

    3. Particular-Okra1102 on

      I love the dude in the top left. Hat and sunglasses so he can’t be recognized. And the other people look like they are all part of some backwoods family. Oh this is Michigan, my bad

    4. This makes sense, the shit coming out of the back is way more pleasant than the shit coming out of the front.

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