I can’t picture her going to jail right after

    by BelowaverageReggie34


    1. While it is plausible, I cannot find any sources for this, and Op doesn’t provide one.

      I despise Trump and MAGA, but using Trump and MAGA rethoric and lies against him isn’t helpful either.

      Downvote until /Op can provide a source.

    2. There is a $10,000 bounty on anyone in Texas for getting an abortion. The person who reports them gets the money. This is what it has come to. What kind of a piece of shit reports someone for this? Oh yeah that’s right Republicans.

    3. If an abortion is murder, then following that logic, does that mean still birth is manslaughter?

      Ridiculous thing to say, isn’t it?

    4. Speaking totally out of my ass, but if i were a woman and just had the worst day of my life, maybe I’d be down for it – hear me out: pile all that shit on me, ill take it and when i feel better ill take the millions you owe me for that insane stupid decision

    5. How many woman of any age votes Republican in these states is beyond me. If there was legislation concerning our penises, every man would be against it.

    6. Elisheva7777777 on

      Mothers with stillbirths often blame themselves, so to add that to it all is just shameless and frankly quite evil!

    7. Guys there is no source for this at all. I’m not saying this didn’t happen. But if it did there would be a least some source.

    8. thinkitthrough83 on

      Texas governor did try to have legislation passed to clarify the abortion law so that these situations would not happen. Courts threw it out.

    9. If women don’t stampede out of Texas after reading about this. The ones that stay don’t care. Fascism is not kind to women and children. Texas is a very dangerous place. Voters don’t believe it can happen to them. Medical cruelties and propaganda is the fascism recruiting tools. They always work. Penitentiary housing and the sheriff is the slave trader. This never changes. By the time the voters need their rights. Their rights are gone. Project 2025 is up and running. The governor is in control of the paramilitary police forces. Paramilitaries do not protect anyone. They only work for the governor to intimidate and terrorize the civilians. My suggestion is get all copies of certificates, transcripts and passports. Put them in a watertight book bag. Undocumented is just that. If the state is red its fascist governor is in command of paramilitary police forces.

    10. sunnysideupseedaisy on

      This is absolutely horrid, I wish I could say I couldn’t believe it but there’s been a few articles like this listed already. It also points out the easy fact that people that don’t understand woman’s bodies or healthcare shouldn’t have access to control it whatsoever

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