Bill Finger, the true creator of Batman (1945)

    by SenorPelle


    1. Bill Finger’s contributions to Batman’s creation were impossible to ignore. While Bob Kane received sole credit as Batman’s creator for decades, it was Finger who played a crucial role in shaping the character and his world. Finger developed Batman’s distinctive look, including his iconic bat symbol and cape, and created many of the fundamental aspects of Gotham City, including the most iconic figures of his rogues gallery, like the Joker and the Penguin.

      Finger’s lack of recognition stemmed from a combination of contractual and industry practices. Bob Kane, had a contract with DC Comics that granted him sole credit, this agreement ensured Finger’s contributions were overshadowed. Finger was a ghost writer of sorts, and never had his name tied to the series by the time of his death in 1974. Hen had not have a formal contract or recognition, which contributed to his diminished role in the public eye. It was only years later his contributions began to be noticed, DC Comics eventually began crediting him alongside Kane in later publications.

    2. Interesting history. It was the Joker vs Pennywise radio battle that reminded me of Finger.

      “I steal the show like Bob Kane stole from Bill Finger”

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