Why are the Democrats so hateful?

    by moldivore


    1. Reminder that a sheriff in Ohio is calling for all Harris supporters to be outed and have their addresses publicly posted

    2. I wish dems were as rad as what trump claims. Anyone running on a platform of blood libel does not deserve the respect he’s been given.

    3. SpecificDiamond7988 on

      And font forget “ I HATE TAYLOR SWiFT”!!! Careful what you wish for Donnie!!! Karmas a bitch

    4. donttextspeaktome on

      I check in on Newsmax now and then just to see what the other side is saying. Their latest was Biden saying how he’s be happy to meet Trump behind the gym (wasn’t that like a year ago that he said that?) and Harris joking with a talk show host “Does the other person need to come out alive?when asked who would she rather be stuck in an elevator with and given some choices including Trump. And they were using that to show how violent the Democrats are and that this was why Trump is being shot.

      I just… like. Wow. After ALLLLLLLL the violence incited by Trump, THIS is what they choose to die on?

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