He’s his own yes man

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Musk sitting in a room with pretended groups of friends, answering to himself and bootlicking himself. He really bought Twitter to simply destroy it and make everyone watch him, as he steps over the glass jar and starts to kneel down.

    2. You can tell it’s his burner account also because he’s the only person on planet earth who is going along with the “𝕏” shit and not just calling it Twitter

    3. Honestly after what Musk tweeted regarding assassination, I am surprised he hasn’t been arrested.

    4. Can this actually happen, and can we televise it? Maybe the cops can shout “stop resisting” and beat the fuck out of him while they’re at it

    5. LOL The persecution complex!

      Only if you are being proven to be colluding with Russia to interfere with US elections.
      Maybe he is just a useful idiot, but he sure did change his tune after a meeting with Putin.

    6. Training_Mix_7619 on

      He really thinks he’s that”important”. For someone supposedly so smart he’s seems oblivious to the obvious echo chamber he spends his time in.

    7. I mean you should be arrested and deported….you are a part of the problem in this country and everyone who thinks like you, i would legit rather have any immigrants who want a chance at a good life as my neighbor than any radical right asshole….after all isnt that how this country was founded and built, through immigrants wanting a better life….

    8. Admirable-Sink-2622 on

      Does it seem somehow more impactful if people think someone else started the dialog. 🤔

      Also – is he 12?!

    9. noble-man-of-power on

      More to come out about Elon. Book it. This smells like him trying to get in front of a problem.

    10. Is this to distract from how poorly teslas are made which have more eyes on them than ever because of the clusterf*ck that is the cybertruck? Sleight of hand??

    11. I imagine Musk making his posts while sitting on another golden shitter, mumbling to himself, and smiling broadly.

    12. I thought the first move was to take away all the guns. Or, was it shut down all the fracking. Wait… the first move, I thought, was to defund the police? Hold on, I just saw trump say the Dems are going to shut down the auto industry.
      I think Elon has at least a day or two to get his patriotic ass to a safe location. Looks like it’s gonna be a hell of a first day.

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