The vote was 76-1.

    by IllustriousDudeIDK


    1. IllustriousDudeIDK on

      Senator Hoar was the only senator to vote against the 1902 extension of the Chinese Exclusion Act, which was previously renewed in 1892. He had previously voted against the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 ~~and the Geary Act of 1892~~. He claimed it was discriminatory and hypocritical for a nation that claimed “all men are created equal” to exclude classes of people because of their race or nationality. In April 1904, it was made permanent by tacking a clause onto a deficiency appropriation bill. This was special since previously, there were other senators opposing it, but now he was the last remaining one.

      Source: [](

      (btw one Senator from Idaho voted yea, the other didn’t vote)

      Edit: excuse my error, he was not present to vote on the Geary Act.

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