Please give it a rest and let it go

    by TheTargaryensLawyer


    1. As stupid as the term is, I assume baecation actually means something and that is a vacation bae has treated you to. Otherwise, what’s the difference between it and any other holiday?

      That said, who cares who paid for it as long as whoever did was willing and able?

    2. On to more important matters

      Everyone make sure you get enough sleep, drink enough water and have a good one

    3. Somewhere along the line they started taking advice from prostitutes and I’ll never understand why

    4. I’m glad I grew up with two older sisters. I don’t tolerate half the shit other men do because they pretty much exposed every trick, and taught me how to avoid being used before I even hit college.

    5. Idk how people go on a vacation with their partner and not feel guilty by not contributing 😭 like shit even if i were in in a bad spot financially imma save as much as i can and at LEAST cover all the food

    6. “excuse me, this baecation says it’s all inclusive, but I don’t see my girl dinner listed as an amenity. Should I be bringing my own white claws and cheez it’s, or are they included in the package deal?”

    7. It’s always wild to me that there’s this constant discourse on a relationship dynamic that’s been completely normal for most people for *decades*

    8. Why are there so many people that think k they shouldn’t chip in for anything? Why are you here then?

    9. *From* Season 3 premieres this Sunday! Anyone else caught up with the show? I’m excited for another season of having absolutely no idea what’s going on..

    10. The only people who argue about this sort of thing are people not in stable relationships.

      I’ve gone on multiple vacations with my wife. Not once have we ever needed to argue about who pays for what. We just simply combine our money and then proceed to go have fun.

    11. Best possible outcome would be if both the man and the woman are doing so well off that they don’t care who pays

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