She doesn’t know what’s coming

    by tlolt12355


    1. Almost as dumb as the girl who said she was getting a nose job so her future children wouldn’t inherit her old ugly nose 😭🤦🤦

    2. A cool thing is that women don’t remember the pain during pregnancy, they’ve asked women to rate their pain the day after birth (1-10) then they asked them a couple of years later and they consistently rated a couple of points lower. Remembering pregnancy pain is apparently counterproductive.

      Edit: I don’t want to spread misinformation: this only held for women who reported moderate amonts of pain. For women who said “it was the worst pain imaginable” and for those who said it was “pain-free” tended to keep their opinion of their pain-level.


    3. Is_Friendly_Coffee on

      I’ve seen this one. Has she had the baby yet? Anybody able to get a follow up? Because, yeah, labor hurts 🤣🤣🤣

    4. Ah yes, God’s plan. Per my grandmother’s nursing manuals from the 1930s the leading cause of death in women was childbirth.

    5. Not only is this dumb, but in Genesis, God explicitly tells Eve that the pain of labor is a punishment for disobeying him.

    6. Yes and she’s fucked. Well, she was fucked but she’s gonna be fucked again if she believes this and by fucked I mean “Get ready for a shot ton of pain lady!”

    7. Horror-Reveal7618 on

      Guess she didn’t read that part of the Bible where god punishes Eve’s descendant with the pains of births… 😬

    8. ImperatorRomanum83 on

      Oh honey, God had nothing to do with that design.

      It’s an evolutionary compromise between the need to walk upright and the need for a large head/brain, complete with an approximately 10% mortality rate in the absence of modern medicine simply because of how traumatic and dangerous human birth is.

    9. Pinheaded_nightmare on

      So when they ask her if she wants any pain meds, she should turn them down because it would be against “gods brilliant design”.

    10. Thing about religion is, being a man made concept, anyone can really make up any nonsense they choose and say “it’s god”.

    11. God gave some people intelligence to create fantastic drugs to help you with your pain during childbirth. Take said drugs.

    12. That’s so sweet! Little does she understand… because so many of us have cesarean births and survive now, women have begun to evolve to have narrow hips. Why? Because we weren’t forced out of the gene pool due to death from childbirth complications… so our narrow, crappy for birthing hips are getting passed on, necessitating more c-sections.

      If she wants to credit her deity… He also gave us brains and education and the ability to develop things like “epidurals.” Use what He makes available if you want, because there’s no gold star on the birth certificate for a natural vaginal birth… and by the time your kid hits kindergarten, he’ll have also eaten French Fries off the floor no matter if you did or didn’t breastfeed.

    13. Minions-overlord on

      Heh.. i watched both my boys be born.. my missus was in so much pain that she nearly choked me out on the first one until the nurse saved me.. that lady gonna realise sky daddy dont care

    14. That’s really weird cuz last time I checked, the Bible said that the reason that labor was so painful was to punish women for eating the fruit.

    15. Very contrary to the actual Bible, where pain in childbirth is a literal curse God places on all women. Lawmakers actually cited this biblical curse as a reason to oppose allowing women in childbirth drugs like epidural.

    16. If I recall correctly from the Christian play of Adam and even being thrown from heaven we had to watch at every Christmas, god says that he’s adding pain to childbirth as a punishment for what they did.

      God’s design sure but it’s not what you think it is.

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