I'm not the original creator of the Snitch, it's Tiktoker @officialimjusteden

    by KeyCast


    1. Comfortable_Fill9081 on

      She’s going to take about 10 full-time days to stuff a bed this way. And I mean *full time*. She won’t be doing *anything* else. This fool.

    2. Coastal North Carolinian checking in here and I got to stay home on the cotton picking field day experience. Ain’t no way

    3. I’m so appalled, disappointed, disgusted. My boyfriend is white (Albanian) and I would jump off a bridge before I ever even talked about doing some shit like this let alone doing it ESPECIALLY IN FRONT OF HIM. We are not all the same 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

    4. https://i.redd.it/60zi5qjnbgpd1.gif

      Ancestors rolling in they goddamn graves, god strike me down if I’m lying. Ain’t no way she deadass picking cotton in goddamn slave garb. And got the nerve to say it’s in her DNA? We done lost the fucking plot. Send the flood, Jesus, because I’m sick of the bullshit

    5. I hate to keep pointing the fingers back at us. Cause what in the actual fuck?!?! When was the last time you saw a descendant of Mexican heritage go picking fruits and vegetables and posting that shit as trad wife porn? I cannot!!!! First we allow every body and they mamma to use the N word as a term of endearment and now this fuck shyt nonsense!!!!

      It’s people and shyt like this that make it easier for the racists to drown us out when we say knock 👏🏽 off 👏🏽 race 👏🏽 play 👏🏽!!!! I may be Haitian 🇭🇹, but I’ve met people whose living grandparents are still alive and can tell you about picking cotton. Not to mention those that came before them. That shyt wasn’t sweet.

    6. Significant-Eye-8476 on

      My grandmother told me picking cotton hurts. She was born on a Louisiana plantation in 1920. When she turned 8 years old her mom had her drop out of school and work in the cotton field. I miss my grandmother and her stories.

    7. This has to be a troll. A sad, insensitive, desperately attention seeking troll post. What an insult to the experiences to our ancestors for social media “engagement”.

      Also, nothing is glamorous or particularly easy about picking cotton for real.

    8. a-midnight-flight on

      I can’t stand her. She also was on her Live talking about how her mixed child hates being black and hates her hair. She is actively fueling that behavior and that father is doing nothing to help.

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