Twitter important

    by Thisistylerz


    1. The NATO alliance rallied to our side in response to 9/11. The very idea of us not returning the favor without hesitation is repugnant.

    2. Poorly-Drawn-Beagle on

      I’ll only agree to continuing the most significant defensive partnership in history if I get my way on this childish and thoroughly unimportant squabble 

    3. I’m about as sick of Leon as I am of the orange blob…. I hope I live long enough to see them both crash and burn. 

    4. I don’t see what a private company has to do with world politics?
      Is he basically admitting that this specific social media platform is an amplifier for right-wing politics?

    5. Dude knows, if Trump doesn’t win, he is less than a ghost. No one will ever give 2 shits about JD Vance ever again. He’s going scorched earth desperate to win.

    6. It’s absolutely baffling how MAGA has lost all sense of relative importance of anything in regard to anything else…

    7. I read the rules for r/facepam and nowhere does it mention that you can’t post links to the article in question. So, why don’t people do it?

    8. TheMagnificentRawr on

      “JD Vance says that America will give power to Russia if Russia isn’t allowed to control US social media.”

    9. This suggests Musk has an unhealthy leverage over Trump’s potential administration.

      Very concerning.

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