JD Vance is a clown

    by uDoucheChill


    1. So a white male who has benefited from white privilege is saying a black female is taking us down the road to slavery?

      What’s next is he going to say people are eating your pets? Never mind he already said that

    2. I heard that Vance’s housekeeper had to bring her young child to work once cause she couldnt find childcare, and Vance said the little girl had to work while she was there, or he would fire the mom

    3. Look at the faces of this crowd. Insane ANYONE wants to follow someone that makes you look so…sad all the time.

    4. steveschoenberg on

      Wait, the guy who was praising the Confederacy a few days ago is worried about becoming a slave?!

    5. All politicians can be criticized for something, but JD Vance truly has no moral compass. He will say and do whatever it takes for power. His spineless, moral wandering is a burden we all have to bear until we defeat that couchfucker at the ballot box.

    6. OptimalRisk7508 on

      I wonder if his wife is embarrassed by his metamorphosis from “Never Hitler Trump” to lying, bigoted hate-monger. I noticed she’s as MIA as Melania.

    7. What the actual fuck? How can someone possibly believe in this shit? I guess if you’re a cultists, it doesn’t really matter. You will believe in anything your cult leaders will tell you.

    8. Look at all those cultists behind him. They seem to have dead eyes, lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. Then when they comes at ya, doesn’t seem to be livin’… until he shoots ya



    10. Impossible_Ad7875 on

      I feel like he’s in a self own contest where he tries to say something more outrageously stupid each day.

    11. At this point the entire GOP campaign is, projection, racism, and gaslighting which will lead to them asking the Supreme Court to let Trump be president.

    12. Is he trying to pretend he’s not pro-enslaving black people now? He’s an avowed Confederate like the rest of them.

    13. I’ll be honest- im really curious how far they can push the blatant hypocrisy until it breaks.

      “Please no rhetoric- btw here’s some rhetoric”

      “Please no political violence- btw here’s a bunch of political violence”

      “Please no mean names- btw, here’s the latest merch of all the mean names we came up with”

      Good god.

    14. Their reason for being, it seems, is trying to troll the rest of the country. But they end up looking like childish fools.

    15. Dark_Wahlberg-77 on

      It’s wild this guy married someone literally here because of a migrant Indian family. Oddly a Democrat before marrying him. She must be thrilled to watch her husband routinely shit on everything that she probably loved about her life.

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