Jesus Fucking Christ

    by kat_fud


    1. I didn’t think we did mugshots of 11 year old kids, but I guess Florida doing Florida things again.

      Where the Hell are this kid’s parents?

    2. why TF does an 11-year-old kid have access to all that s#hit?

      Parents not locking up their guns are one of MANY problems here.

    3. chocolatechipninja on

      Kid looks exhausted and unkempt. What are the chances that he’s neglected/abused/ignored by parents who have major issues themselves. Young people don’t just do this for attention. Sometimes, they are silently screaming for help with mental or emotional issues.

    4. Monkey-bone-zone on

      I was playing D&D for pretty much the entirety of my 11th year on this planet.

      I hope this kid gets help. And his parents need a fucking charge or ten. The fuck is that arsenal?

    5. Zealousideal_Bat1149 on

      Throw his parents in jail today. The faster the parents go to jail the faster the crap will stop.

    6. Wow, real kickass parenting and “responsible gun ownership”.

      These people almost cost a lot of kid’s their lives.

      Absolute dogshit.

    7. Jesus he’s a fucking baby. If someone doesn’t kick his parents asses… where the fuck were they?

    8. Let’s ignore that the weapons were fake for a second, and ask why an 11-year old is threatening to shoot up not just one, but TWO schools. 11 years old. Fucking 11.

    9. Back in 1994 Bill Clinton signed an assault weapons ban that received bipartisan support. There were flaws with it, but gun violence was way down.

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