In the summer of 1518, a woman emerged from her house in the French town of Strasbourg and started dancing. Within a week, hundreds had joined her. They danced day and night, seemingly oblivious to the fact they were dancing the skin off their feet. Many danced until they collapsed. Some even died.

    by mrchicken345


    1. Lasting until September. And it wasn’t the only time something like this had happened.

      It’s possible the psychoactive properties of fungal ergot which grows in rye grains may have caused this (and the other reported incidents).

    2. Although this event occurred centuries ago, it is still relevant to us today. It reminds us of the importance of mental health, the influence of social networks and the need for a deeper understanding of collective psychological phenomena

    3. Humans have always been great about joining in, whether it’s this dance party, speaking in tongues in church, or following cult leaders down dangerous paths.

    4. I’m assuming this hasn’t happened since the advent of photography or video or since the idea that news sources should be verified.

    5. My father died dancing…. at the end of a rope
      – Curly Howard

      Edit: source… people probably would think I was serious

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