My grocery store has an ammo vending machine.

    by ArcherBurgers


    1. If it can use facial recognition to verify the id it could just be safer than buying from someone at the counter, no?

    2. From a privacy prospective this is worse than buying ammo with cash at a gun store. This vending machine tracks every ammo purchase. Big government likes this machine.

    3. Guys, this man only eats beef jerky and sunflower seeds. One man’s hardware store is another’s food palace.

    4. So those gun and ammo vending machines in Borderlands and Bioshock are just ahead of the curve.

    5. Hoosier_Daddy68 on

      I went to their website to see about selection and prices but they don’t say much. There are only like 5 or 6 of these right now and most are in OK. I’m just curious what you can get. Do they have shotgun shells, too? Is there a limit? Are we talking rifles and handguns or just one? Someone go to one, take some pics of the screens and post them so I don’t have to keep googling this shit.

    6. You never know when you’ll need it. Personally, I never go anywhere without my mutated anthrax… ^(for duck huntin’).


    7. It needs to “Verify ID” – what part of “shall not be infringed” does the vending machine not understand?

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