3 month job search in Australia.
    6 years relevant industry experience, but new to this market. I work in an industry that heavily favours established relationships and my biggest blocker was lack of local contacts.

    by WooIlyMammoth


    1. Bro, if you’re looking for a remote job, I just came across a really effective method yesterday that might help you. Basically, you find recruitment firms and HR departments on Google Maps and send them your resume in bulk. I read that this person received many offers this way ([https://www.reddit.com/r/RemoteJobseekers/comments/1fdpeg2/how_i_landed_multiple_remote_job_offers_my_remote/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemoteJobseekers/comments/1fdpeg2/how_i_landed_multiple_remote_job_offers_my_remote/)). If you’re not searching for remote jobs, you can still use this strategy by finding companies in your area where you could work, making a nice list, and sending them your resume in bulk.

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