It is Scientifically Proven… “Everyone Hates the Science Fair”

    by Melodic_Oil_2486


    1. wemustkungfufight on

      Funny, but the way some of these stupid science fairs were set up, merely doing the presentation, even if the info was bogus or wrong, could guarantee a D-.

    2. I thought science fairs had to include developing a hypothesis, performing an experiment and then presenting the results. Not a half assed survey?

      Not saying their statistics are wrong though.

    3. Printers are the universal enemy of every office. They seem to break down at the worst possible moments!

    4. IIIllIIlIIIIlllllIII on

      Science fairs were cool imo but definitely biased toward the kids with good support at home. So many kids just made a baking soda and vinegar volcano instead of testing a hypothesis

    5. keepingupwithelectra on

      Haha, right? It’s like a rite of passage to dread those science fairs! But hey, at least we all have some wild stories to tell about last-minute projects and epic meltdowns. What was your most memorable science fair moment?

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