Batteries once had built-in testers

    by Curiosive


    1. I remember these, basically had to have a child’s fingers in order to press down the buttons.

    2. Those were horrible. My fingers ache just thinking about them.

      Fun fact: they work by shorting the battery and measuring the temperature.

    3. I don’t know about you guys but I was always really satisfied with the specific colors each brand chose to represent the level of charge. The green energizer uses always reminded me of slime from Nickelodeon’s golden days 🙂

    4. Wasn’t that long ago. Weird to see it here in the context of it being like a relic of the long long ago, in the before times.

    5. ohhh nostalgic, the slight warmth it gives out, and pressing on the changed color changes it back to black.

    6. I remember being the only person that could make these things work. Well, “work” is relative. They lit up. Didn’t give any amount of useful information on whether the battery would work in the remote or not, but the bar would turn yellow!

    7. BitemeRedditers on

      I suspect that I may have invented this. I was a student in an advertising class that was taught by an advertising executive that worked on many big national advertising campaigns. My hobbies included a lot of things having to do with batteries so I knew about cheap battery testers. I came up with this idea of combining the testers with the packaging for our final project. The instructor gave me a B because she thought it might be too expensive but I knew they were cheap to make in bulk.
      About a year later Energizer starting marketing these.
      Maybe she did, maybe not, but I always suspected that my idea got ripped off by my college advertising instructor.

    8. Zestyclose-Exam1160 on

      Usually I just always knew the batteries were dead when they just… died and wouldn’t work.

    9. Typical_Stormtrooper on

      It’s not like it used to be the norm… It was a marking tactic that failed. Often your just break your fingernails before you got a reading. 

    10. I was there, Gandalf, three thousand years ago, when the strength of men was tested every time they had to squeeze together those two little dots. It hurt their fingers they had to squeeze so hard, but if you didn’t do it hard enough the tester said that the battery was empty even though it wasn’t… Anyway, their strength failed so Energizer removed the testers from the side, and nobody complained because they were all terrible anyway.

    11. MasterBaiter0004 on

      Yessss I remember that! I forgot all about batteries having these. I don’t forget the pain of trying to push them though.

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