I don’t have words for the pure ignorance of these people. The Navajo were there LONG before Europeans.

    by Comet_With_One_T


    1. Aggravating-Alps-919 on

      Not that it makes it less offensive but why are we reusing things from 2018? They do plenty of shit this decade that can be used to attack them

    2. Reminds me of Dale Gribble asking John Redcorn if his people even celebrate Thanksgiving.

      “We did..once.”

    3. Is so idiot imigrant descendents raising against imigration… i understand europens having some xenophobic feeling.. but AMERICANS?

    4. Every time I think I’ve witnessed the most stupid Trump supporter alive, someone is still managing to beat it.

    5. knowingly_diligent on

      Absolutely disgusting. MAGA gets worse every single day.

      As a white colonizer on Native American land, I am deeply sorry.

    6. Good Lord, these MAGA shitheads are the dumbest fucks in America! No wonder the Fanta Felon is unhinged. He doesn’t give a fuck because his base is too stupid to think for themselves. They will believe in anything he says. They might as well go down the Jim Jones route if they lose this election. Keep drinking that KoolAid!

    7. Express-Doubt-221 on

      They’re not necessarily being “ignorant.” The whole “I just want them to immigrate the right away” schtick, is just weasel words to cover up the real issue. They know they’re lying about native Americans, they know they’re lying about Haitians. 

    8. Status-Evening-1434 on

      The Navajo tribe was formed between 200 and 1300 AD, at the least almost 200 years before Columbus discovered North America.

    9. Heh, he should announce he’s deporting the families of illegal immigrants and then deport anyone who came to the States prior to immigration laws.

    10. OptimalRisk7508 on

      My jaw literally dropped when I read that, but at the same time I 100% believe they’re that ignorant.

    11. Mohawk here. I’ve had maga-geniuses tell me to go back, too. I laugh and tell them I am from where my ancestors looked East and said, ” There goes the neighborhood”.

    12. GrannyFlash7373 on

      Insanity abounds amongst the MAGA. And the closer to election day, the worse it will get. They sense they are beating a dead horse, but can’t stop themselves from testifying as to their evilness.

    13. 😂🤣😂🤣you know this is their land , right? You see master degrees and phDs don’t make a difference sometimes.

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