What an idiot

    by MoreMotivation


    1. I don’t know what else Trump/Vance need to do to tell us they have been completely bought and sold beyond having a t-shirt with a price tag in the billions.

    2. There it is. The dumbest thing I’ve heard in a really long time following an insurmountable amount of dumb things

    3. Spottswoodeforgod on

      WTF – support some private individuals businesses or you can forget about a successful defensive alliance…. Seems rational…

    4. So… please expound on that. I want to hear more. Is it because Musk and Twitter provide a convenient propaganda platform? Is it because you _want_ to stop supporting NATO? Both?

      Or is it simply because your Russian masters told you what to say, and you haven’t thought more in depth about it?

    5. Yousoggyyojimbo on

      This is definitely one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard, and damn near every military leader for the last 80 years would have lined up to smack the shit out of him if they heard this come out of his mouth.

    6. I can TOTALLY see how Trump picked this piece of shit to be his VP. He says whatever pops into his unoccupied skull, without the moral compass of someone like Pence, who wouldn’t do his misguided bidding on Jan 6.

      But seriously, what a fucking moron….

    7. This turd said European Values should reflect the American values and his metric for this values is how Europe treats Elon Musk? Are we in a fucking movie? “Comes with certain strings attached” Motherfucker, if the support of America gets dependent on how much we eat Elons Ass, then we don’t need any support from america. Being an america-support-less continent is BY FAR better than gurgeling small salty texas roasted right wing nuts. We will make sure you understand this.

      Edit: Wow, 50 upvotes in one hour. I’m humbled, thank you all. This specific interview is nuts. At one point he says, Trumps plan is it to give Putin the occupied parts of Ukraine, make it so Ukraine never joins NATO and, here comes the insane part, Countries in Europe such as Germany and France will have to pay for the rebuild of Ukraine. No reparations from russia necessary.

    8. Error404_Error420 on

      “To support peace in the world, we should first support a billionaire with a social media platform.”

    9. Yup, you heard that right.
      American support for NATO (a group founded by America) should be contingent to European support for a private company led by a foreign national.

      That makes sense… for someone.

    10. SercerferTheUntamed on

      Ah yes the Tax payer funded support of NATO should be contingent on unilateral support for a private venture by member nations.

      This is a different level of corruption.

    11. fraggle_captain on

      Just a reminder: if orange man gets in, and continues his steady diet of cheeseburgers and steak with ketchup, his inevitable heart attack will result in this man becoming our president.


    12. Europe: It’s time for us to take our own defence more seriously, instead of just relying on the Americans.

      US Republicans: Finally, somebody is starting to put their weig–

      Europe: So, your corporations can fuck off when they do things we don’t like.

      Republicans: 😱

    13. Glittering-Wonder-27 on

      Nah. Elon is a drug addict and Twitter is a cesspool. Hard pass. JD , can you knock off inciting violence? Thanks, America

    14. Of course. That makes perfect sense.

      The most powerful military alliance ever should be contingent on a failing social media platform ran by a powermad buffoon.

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