When you realize you’re going to prison for the rest of your life

    by spdelope


    1. Maybe shouldn’t have tried to kill someone…easy way to keep yourself out a situation like this. Zero sympathy.

    2. Bet she wished she could Restart from Saved Checkpoint. You only get ONE charted path in life. Sucks for her that this is the course for the rest of hers.

    3. She get life but that fat guy that killed his wife with a shotgun got 10 years parole in 5….I don’t get it.

    4. I don’t get it. Her sentence wasn’t even announced was it? The judge just said she was guilty.

    5. sofaking_scientific on

      I find it really easy not to commit crimes on a daily basis. It’s even easier not to murder people. No sympathy.

      *oh no! The consequences of my actions*

    6. The justice system is so fucked. She *attempts* to murder and gets 50 years to life but Jason Anderson a former Milford, Connecticut police officer who killed two teenagers while driving 95 mph gets sentenced to 5 suspended after 1.

    7. Anyone know if her ex was a monster? Not for justification but… if he’s already an ex and they go after him… maybe he’s a jealous lunatic? Again not justification. the law is the law, and murder is murder. It’s just strange to get a divorce and then be like aaaaaaand let’s kill him too.

    8. I was today years old when I first heard the phrase “vicariously armed with a firearm”. Like, how can you be *vicariously* armed?!?! Oh! She recruited someone else who was armed. What strange linguistic contortionism. So, I guess I’ve been vicariously driving all of those Uber rides and vicariously cooking at all of those restaurants.

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