This goes out to the “Why didn’t Kamala do X before?” crowd

    by BigClitMcphee


    1. Vice president was for a while the runner up right? So they wanted them to be practically useless.

    2. What did Mike Pence accomplish? Aside from ignoring Con-old’s claim that a VP could refuse to certify states they lost.

    3. Fun fact: she’s actually done a lot as an arm of Biden’s administration. You just have to bother paying attention and informing yourself to know that.

    4. I mean, mostly yes.

      However, the Bush and Cheney years shifted that power around a bit, and I don’t see myself as enough of an expert to explain these things in detail.

    5. BannedAgainDude on

      He’s a lesson in civics:

      The government is separated into legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

      The legislative writes bills.

      The executive signs them into law.

      The courts see if the bills are constitutional.

      Now, when you have both legislative and judicial sucking off Trump, they’re going to stop ANY progress like a border bill or student loan relief.

      The ones responsible for fucking everyone are REPUBLICANS.

    6. More like
      John Adams dared to be active participant as VP in the Senate, the Senate threw a tantrum, VP position becomes irrelevant for decades

    7. **The real question should be, why didn’t he (Trump) do all of these things when he was President and the GOP had the majority in Cogress?**

    8. Hell, even most Republican members of congress don’t know enough about our government to know **their** jobs. They think they are there to run interference for Trump.

    9. “Why didn’t Kamala do X? She’s in power!”
      “Why didn’t Trump do X?”
      “Why would I blame him? He wasn’t in power!”

    10. Ask the same crowd “If Kamala wants to take your guns and shut down Fracking, then why didn’t she do that the last 3.5 years?”

    11. “Why won’t Kamala fix the economy now?”

      Because she still didn’t find the part of the Constitution that describes how can vice-president unilaterally make laws over the president’s will and bypassing the Congress.

    12. She still skated circles around Mike Pence’s contribution and there is room to argue she achieved more than that lying felon claimed to achieve.

    13. Pizzasaurus-Rex on

      They know this, its just politically convenient for them to forget about it at this one point in time.

    14. Expensive-Wishbone85 on

      Curious what OP’s thoughts are on Dick Cheney’s tenure as VP and his actions on shaping America’s “war on terror” post 9/11, or Spiro Agnew’s actions on suppressing student protestors on Vietnam War, or Biden’s work on negotiations with senate leaders during his time as VP.

    15. legendary_millbilly on

      As they well know.

      Just have a look at the long list of Mike Pences accomplishments.

      Everybody knows the vice president doesn’t make policy.

    16. Well except for the fact she was put in charge of the border. Let’s not forget that fact.

      Also, see dick Cheney for how much influence a VP can have if they want to.

      I’m really starting to suspect the real numbers look terrible for Harris. They really haven’t talked about the polls since the debate and they moved the goalposts after the debate to say she did well. Before the debate all the talk was about how people want to know more about her and her policies. After the debate it was all about what trump did wrong. That’s not how they framed it before, before they said all trump had to do was not screw up. He did that quite well but Harris didn’t do what she needed so they had to find something to nit pick

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