Not at all…

    by Same-Walrus7181


    1. FrmrPresJamesTaylor on

      Oh hey this one is being reposted.

      “If women ruled the world” is a profoundly different hypothetical situation than the real world scenario of a woman ascending to the head of a monarchy or the peak of electoral politics – within a fundamentally patriarchal society.

    2. Frequent-Lettuce4159 on

      As much as the statement is total bullshit I don’t think they mean having female leaders but rather having a matriachal society – whereas these women were leaders within a patriarchal society

    3. Ok-Resource-3232 on

      My gender studies teacher (it’s part of my history studies) would say that these do not count, because their sex might be female, but they enact a male role in society and therefore their social gender is male. Make of that information whatever you like…

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