Say her name

    by Technicolor_Reindeer


    1. Kaymeticballoon on

      Say her name but also stop using her name for your partisan politics.
      The two-party system that plays seasaw with our rights and the corporations that fund the theater are to blame here.

      Edit: For y’all that don’t like hearin this real quick explain why the democrats didn’t codify Roe when they had a supermajority?

    2. NihilisticPollyanna on

      “Hm. After careful consideration, we have decided that this policy is working as intended.”

      Sincerely, the fascists of the GOP

    3. Efficient_Comfort_38 on

      Shit still pisses me off. We should be trying to figure out what to do about the economy, healthcare, other shit. This problem was solved years ago. So much of politics would be solved if people just minded their own dam business.

      A part of me believes that Roe V Wade also got reversed as a way to deflect attention from other things…

    4. Efficient_Comfort_38 on

      The article is so fucking depressing. Now her baby is alone. Shit makes me so angry and sick

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