X-ray of when you leave your feet on the dashboard and airbags deploy

    by spdelope


    1. deadrobindownunder on

      I was too distracted by the weird skelly face smiling at me in the middle of the pelvic bone to notice the horrifically displaced bone at first. Now I see the horror bone and the face. This is awful.

    2. My wife does this shit all the time and it drives me insane. That and I have to tell her to put on a seatbelt. Love that woman but those two things she does in the car make me so frustrated.

    3. Gonna save this for wifey next time she gets irritated thay I asked her to put her feet on the gahdamn floor

    4. Firm_Company_2756 on

      Having a “pin/nail” still in my r femur since an incident in 2015, this pic brings back painful vivid memories, mostly of pain!
      I hope that this patients surgeon knows what they’re doing, as this is life changing, regardless of who does the surgery!
      My r leg was on the brake pedal as the engine took up the space of the pedal box!

    5. Thank you so much! I’m always arguing with my wife about that. Here’s une irrefutable evidence of my point.

    6. GimmeUrBrunchMoney on

      Mt ex-wife is Gen X and I am Millenial and I always thought our most Gen-X vs. Millenial argument was that when I drove I insisted she not put her feet on the dash because of how unimaginably bad it would be if there was an accident. Her response was typically something along the lines of “take a chill pill mannn”

      Ok right sorry I forgot caring about things is lame

    7. jesus christ that’s awful. the airbag shoved his leg up his own ass.

      but what kind of fucking IDIOT drives around with BOTH FUCKING LEGS UP ON THE DASHBOARD!?

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