It’s a wrap

    by girlfriendpleaser


    1. JackDangerUSPIS on




      1. Malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else’s misfortune.

      2. 50 Cent’s default state of being

    2. WaluigiIsTheRealHero on

      This is 50’s birthday, Christmas, New Year’s, Kwanzaa, Juneteenth and Cinco de Mayo all rolled into one.

    3. ngl although 50 cent trolling diddy is funny i wouldn’t be surprised if he had skeletons in his closet,

    4. I’m convinced this man is fueled entirely by spite at this point lmao

      1,000 fucking bottles of lube is absolutely nefarious work, tho.

    5. Fiddy’s hater powers are going to block out the fucking sun and I’m here for it. BURN IT ALL DOWN

    6. People say that beefing with Kendrick or Eminem is a death setence but I’ve never seen them hating someone for 2 decades

    7. Diddy got arrested because he started working directly with the Saudis to get exclusive rights to a refinery that could ship baby oil directly to NY. His thirst for freak offs is one thing, but his thirst for oil landed him on the wrong side of national security.

      More at six, back to you in the studio.

    8. originalusername__ on

      Diddys CPA: And you’d like to itemize these “Miscellaneous Freak Supplies” Mr. Combs?

    9. InquisitiveAssFoo on

      I remember years ago when I like 12-13 I told all my hip hop head homies that Diddy was 10000% involved in BIGs death and possibly even in PACs death and they all LOL at me even my uncles. Fucking knew my gut was right about this dude!! 😱

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