Actions speak louder than denials.

    by Notyourmotherspenis


    1. After his VP says they made up their lies about Haitian immigrants to further their racist agenda, ONLY racists can still support the convicted felon and rapist

    2. “I’m not racist because I support Trump.”
      “Then what do you say to his lies about Haitians eating pets?”
      “It’s true because my cousin’s brother in law’s aunt’s pool boy’s uncle’s niece’s roommate say three Haitians do it!”

    3. I’ve read articles about Maga events. Supposedly the racism thing? That’s a point of pride. These people feel at home among like minded individuals because they can spout hateful rhetoric all they want. They just shout excuses when they feel they have to.

    4. Honestly more than anything I believe it is fear. They know a lot of what he is saying is bull. They know a lot of what he says is racist and hateful. But they are afraid. Of what? God only knows.

      Edit: this is for the average at home voter. Not the cultist going to the rallies and shit.

    5. TrickyTicket9400 on

      There are only 2 stupid parties in this country. Plenty of non racist people vote for Trump. And Biden is racist as fuck. He eulogized Strom Thurman and we all know the “you ain’t black” line was racist af.

      Biden also said that Obama is “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”

      In August 2020, Biden told a gathering of black and Hispanic journalists that “unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.”

    6. Eastern-Nothing-8389 on

      All Trump does is sends out dog whistles while his ignorant supporters praise this POS felon.

    7. Eastern-Nothing-8389 on

      His supporters like to think they are in a shithole situation while not just looking around them and seeing how good things are

    8. “cUz mAh’aLLs kInK iZ a-bEin’ LiEd To! iT’aLLs th’ oNlIeSt wAy aH kIn cUm!

      LIe t’ mE’aLL bIg dAdDy!”

      – Cletus Trumpvoter

    9. Some are mask off proud racists.

      Some are secret racists.

      Some are not avowed racists, but racism isn’t a deal breaker for them.

      Some do not consider themselves racists at all, they just are too ignorant to understand racist subtext. As in, “I don’t use the n-word and I’m polite to the black guys at work. I just think we need to look into these Ohio pet attacks…”

    10. Adventurous_Page_447 on

      Some of them are for the greed..and just don’t feel like racism should get in the way of their money!

    11. Tbh this isn’t a good “gotcha” meme

      They’ll just say lower taxes, better economy, no abortion etc

      Regardless how true the first 2 are

    12. Hey now, let’s not be hyperbolic or reductive. Not every Trump voter is a stereotypically “I’m not racist, but” rabid MAGA cult true believer.

      Some of them are just greedy, to such a sociopathic degree that they don’t care who the cult hurts.

    13. A great thing I saw someone on TikTok say: “That’s the wrong question it’s not if Donald trump is racist, it’s why racists support Trump.” The KKK, white nationalists and other Nazis will be casting the same vote as you. Does that make you feel good?

    14. There are plenty of never Trump republicans.

      There are republicans who refuse to vote for Trump but won’t vote for Dem either.

      And there are republicans who are voting for Harris because Trump is that bad.

      If you’re a republican and not in one of those groups, you’re either a racist or a presidential candidate with racist policies isn’t a dealbreaker for you… which is being racist.

    15. inmatenumberseven on

      I hate him, but this is dumb rhetoric that only serves to turn away voters who don’t agree with the premise.

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