Romans be like..

    by Ok-Risk1624


    1. Connect_Lock_6176 on

      There was a moment when Augustus had to convince people to have more children because the birth rates were so low in rome

    2. Yes if you are poor and do not have a social secruity network by society, then you need lots of Kids. They are your social secruity network if they survive long enough.

      But if you are wealthy you are far less reliant on your childrens work and care. Hence why birthrates decline with wealth.

    3. amdrunkwatsyerexcuse on

      High infant mortality rate, high demand in manual labor, low live expectancy overall = you need to have lots of children so at least some of them manage to procreate.

    4. Betting all your money on your kids becoming legionaries and conquering fresh clay from the barbarians, or marching on Rome to become the new emperor, either way it’s all or nothing

    5. ClavicusLittleGift4U on

      Romans, really?

      I could find you some fine specimens even today doing this not knowing what is an aqueduct, the Coliseum or the Maxima Cloaca.

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