The American Nazis are looking more and more like the German Nazis, but quite a lot dumber

    by Head-Selection-1415


    1. He also called for them to be broadcast and posted, so people ‘know where to send the migrants’

    2. ExcellentAd7790 on

      November 6 is gonna be Kristallnacht 2.0, we’re actually finally buying a couple of guns just in case.

    3. IThoughtILeftThat on

      If this is your side, you are on the wrong side. I will judge you if you’re friends with someone who thinks this is a good idea.

      What do you call three people having dinner with a nazi? Four fucking nazis.

    4. They ALWAYS fkn w/people. Im convinced these Magats will keep poking the bear until people snap and start fkn them up.

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