Teenage girls will go crazy for it

    by lVizidel


    1. JaxonMaxonDraxon on

      It’s like Macdonald’s. Mass, factory produced, designed by corporate accountants and lawyers, soul-less slab of mediocre food that you ate a thousand times before and you forget about it one minute after you’re done.

    2. Resident-Whereas2608 on

      She’s got over 200 songs you’ve heard maybe 12. She’s got some good shit out there that don’t get radio play.

    3. Theinternetisdumb99 on

      Wow what a hot take! Music is completely subjective to the listener. I’m sure many people would consider whatever OP listens to as “piece of shit” too. But the thing is, it’s not, it’s just what they like. The same way many people like Taylor Swift. This exactly why the internet is so stupid sometimes.

    4. Worth_Apartment9070 on

      I don’t listen or has ever listened to taylor swift music, But idk if it’s THAT bad, Maybe it’s just the fans being dickheads about their idol.

    5. I don’t really listen to T Swift songs, but don’t begrudge her fans for being fans.

      Everyone has different tastes.

    6. You dislike Taylor because her endorsement, i just don’t care about Taylor because i am a 35 year old heterosexual man and her music wasn’t made for me.

    7. I’m sure this has nothing to do with which politician Swift endorsed. OP had an epiphany that Swifties are all little girls and just needed to tell reddit all about it.

    8. oooh who’s an edgy boy? who’s an edgy boy?! yes you are! oooh what a hot take! your statements are so controversial! what an edgy boy

    9. DestructionSpreader on

      Somebody threatened of sending Batman to my house cause I said that Taylor swift sucks and they even gave me an fake IP that doesn’t exist hoping for me to think it’s real 👨🏻

    10. UlteriorKnowsIt on

      Look. I say people should leave each other alone with what they like. If teenaged girls love Taylor Swift, that’s no skin off my nose. Ditto gamers loving the same installment of the same FPS with only the date of release changed. Or mothers loving reality shows, cooking shows, and soap operas. As long as personal taste doesn’t hurt anyone.

    11. I don’t know about her current music, but I honestly think that some of her songs in the late 00s and early 10s were pretty good

    12. South-Charge8311 on

      I don’t like Taylor’s music myself, but why do we have to go out of our ways to hate? If you don’t like it don’t listen to it.

    13. This is some holier than thou bullshit. Let other people enjoy the things that they enjoy. Live and let live. Get your nose out of their business and stop being so judgy. Jeez.

    14. Karel_Stark_1111 on

      Me, a male fan of her songs, standing here like huh?

      Well, yeah, it might be generic and she’s not breaking any new ground but some of her songs are great… Listen to “Mine” flr example and tell me it doesn’t stir something in you.

      As with all music, it has to get you at a certain point to truly speak to you, but if it does it’s great.

    15. I never got this stereotype. She had teenage fans 15 years ago. Now her fanbase is like women ages 5-40.

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