You know what worse between Japan and N*zi Germany?.. Free France

    by FrenchieB014


    1. The Isle of Saint Pierre and Miquelon (yeah, it’s [here.]( if you didn’t know it existed, you are excused) was placed under the Vichy regime; however, on the 24th of December 1941, the French submarine *Surcouf* rallied the island; 98% of the civilians voted for Free France, and several hundred civilians volunteered for the Free French Navy.

      It was a modest success that hit the new… however, the Americans were **FURIOUS** and demanded explanation from Churchill *(at the time visiting north America*) on how he could let the French “violate the safety of America.”

      Because, due to the Monroe doctrine, the Americans didn’t like that a 3.300-ton submarine emerged next to their coast and basically annexed a territory. US secretary of state Cordell Huell stated that *”the action taken by three vessels of the so-called Free French in Saint-Pierre and Miquelon was arbitrary and contrary to the agreement of all parties concerned”* and later on compared the agression to one of Nazi Germany and Japan.

      Fortunately, the liberation of the island did have its effect on the morals of the Americans. Already in shock after Pearl Harbor, the action taken by the free French was considered a small victory for the free world, so due to popular backlash and far more concerning news in the Pacific F.D.R., let it go.

      But the Relation between FDR and DE Gaulle would be tarnish.. even thought the Americans were only a few weeks into the war and with very little awarness of Free France..

    2. Reading up on these island’s history and the number of times the British invaded, kicked out all the French settlers, burned down all the buildings, only for the French to return a few years later and rebuild a new settlement is rather impressive.

    3. Proud_Shallot_1225 on

      98% vote for Free France. This gives the same results as an African dictator. But there without electoral fraud.

    4. US and French relations during World War 2 were interesting to put it lightly. De Gaulle was accusing the Allies of trying to assassinate him in 1943 when he nearly died in a place crash.

    5. DaVietDoomer114 on

      France’s decision to reclaim their colonies post WW2 is the the primary reason why Indochina ended up in the hands of the commies instead of being US allies.

    6. Also Free France: I’m not going to do anything unless you give me 100% of what I want, in fact I might even tell the resistance not to help you anymore!

    7. Wait,wait. Let me see if I follow.

      Roosevelt/American government was mad,because some random islands’ population voted to join/support Free France?.

      Am I missing something?, please tell me I’m missing something

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