25 year old pizza delivery driver, Nick Bostic, runs into a burning house and saves four children who tell him another might be in the house. He goes back in, finds the girl, jumps out a window with her and carries her to a cop who captures the moment on his bodycam.

    by Smiles4YouRawrX3


    1. Not gonna lie, I got emotional at the end when he asked if the baby was ok. Kudos and admiration for this HERO.

    2. MarlonShakespeare2AD on

      If I was a billionaire I’d change this guys life today

      Risking your life to save even one child is just incredible. He saved 5.

    3. Nick Bostic needs a new line of work. Think of how many people his instincts would save if he was an emt or a nurse

    4. Platform_Dancer on

      A true hero!… Sadly he will probably get sent medical bills for his treatment after effects that will cripple him financially for the rest of his life! 😕

    5. True hero

      This guy deserves something special. Like to never deliver pizza again. Maybe never work again

    6. I just went down a rathole of reading about this guy. It seems that he was blind in one eye since he was 5 years old on top of this.

    7. Easy-Molasses-6699 on

      This guys out here saving 5 kids from a burning building but its HAWK TUAH girl that gets famous. The worlds a crazy place

    8. He’s a real hero. Set him up with a nice home and a few million to live however he wants to live since he selflessly risked his life for children.

    9. I bet he had younger siblings. When you grow up caring for siblings that’s the question that comes out. “Is the baby ok?”

    10. Cacophony_Of_Stupid on

      I’m a retired firefighter. That’s some balls out good shit! Well done young man!

    11. What a legend! Asking if the baby was okay when he himself was very much not, after putting it all on the line for somebody else’s family. Incredible.

    12. Impossible_Okra0420 on

      Being a first responder isn’t always a job, sometimes it’s just the first person there.

    13. Epic, truly epic.

      I would like to think that the family he rescued stay in touch with Nick, and that the kids never forget that they are living a (hopefully) great life because of a random pizza guy with balls so massive they have their own postcode.

      Equally, on a lighter/sillier note, there should be a state law enacted that Mr Nick Bostic gets free beer in any and every bar he chooses to enter.

    14. Master_Masterpiece69 on

      Remember feminists, this is why you need men no woman in history has done that especially for someone else’s kids. Long live the patriarchy.

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