
    by Wild_RoseBloom


    1. It’s absolutely infuriating how true this is, and it’s not just History, it’s also Physics and Biology.

    2. This is so real! I�m not into history academically, but if you tell it to me in a juicy, gossip-like way, I�d be totally hooked. Haha!

    3. I liked history at school. When we were at specific subject. I really liked Sparta at elementary. I was always speaking about the subject more then the teacher I could name almost every conflict.

    4. I loved history in school, but learning more outside of school to apply to school really made me ecstatic about it to this day

    5. TurbulentDay8487 on

      As someone who majored in Economic Social History: it is so much more fun to read history books for leisure than to cram 10.000+ pages in a year.


      Meh, history is interesting. Just it’s hard to learn things and be engaged when the presentation is dry as all hell. I remember having a high school textbook where the authors claimed they wrote a “fun” book. Yeah, totally fun. All of those times I fell asleep doing homework. XD

    7. Gamer4lifeyt6000 on

      I love reading about history. But where I am from is very nationalistic(we only read our country’s history every year)

    8. That’s because teachers don’t know how to teach interestingly. Most of the time it’s just straight facts, which is boring. But if you watch a YouTuber explaining it, it usually has interesting visuals, maybe the occasional joke, and it’s explained in a manner that is much more interesting. If teachers taught their class like entertainers do, every student would get an A. 

    9. TheScottishLad69620 on

      I think this is a result of being forced to learn something vs choosing to learn something

    10. Routine_Leading_4757 on

      How I feel after binge-watching every Oversimplified video:


    11. I love learning history how as an adult because it adds tremendous context to the world as I see it. In school, as a younger kid, it just seemed arbitrary. You didn’t see/understand how the consequences of historical events will/do impact your life.

    12. History class in the UK absolutely sucked. We repeated the same subjects over and over and over. I had 4 years in a row covering the Tudors and I remember absolutely nothing about it. My last year of history (before selecting to take geography classes in its place) we finally covered the two world wars.

      I am however, keenly interested in Genghis Khan and his empire, and remain absolutely fascinated by it.

      Strictly regimented and curated history is not the way to teach it. Any person will be able to find *something* about the past that interests them. You just gotta find that and encourage its pursuit.

    13. I bet they intentionally make history as boring as possible in school to make sure no one looks into the real history out of curiosity. Beat the interest outta them

    14. Zestyclose-Sundae593 on

      At school, you’re forced to learn things that you can’t give two shits about. At home, you get to choose which topic in history that you want to look into.

    15. InsuranceKey8278 on

      people don’t put the undesirable details so what they teach is already half knowledge or sometimes purposefully obsfucating to not show their country in bad sight

    16. I actually preferred history in school, although that was because it was comprehensive and structured and my teacher gave lectures instead of constant reading

    17. It’s true. I hated History in School. Maybe it’s because all those Era and Time period I had to memorize but now I LOVE history.

    18. Capital-Archer-108 on

      Actually history is interesting just the way teachers explain it makes you wanna fall asleep. I mean some of the topics are really boring but if I every read history on my own, it’s probably over singers or cartoons, tv shows, stuff like that.

    19. Glacial_Shield_W on

      History in school is about as sterilized as it can get; often taught by a prof who either doesn’t care or has a passionate bias in their readings. History learned by yourself allows you to more readily absorb and understand what happened, as well as lessons to be gleamed from said events.

    20. I think it’s because they teach it in the wrong direction. It’s way more interesting when you do it anti-chronologically, starting with where we are today and then stepping back through time to reveal how we ended up here. Where you’re sitting right now is the result of a series of events tracing back to the beginning of time. A lot of crazy shit happened to put you where you are. Doing it chronologically makes it boring and gives students a feeling of, “Why would I possibly care about ancient Sumerian cuneiform writing??”

    21. Mainly because half of the time it feel more like a list of event than a story when it’s taught or in a test.

    22. GimmeUrBrunchMoney on

      The other day I was talking about school subjects with my daughter, she’s 10. History comes up and she’s like “I just don’t get why we have to talk about like world war 2”

      Me: “Well…”

      Her: “OHHH NO NO NO NO DONT”

      Me: “haha what?”

      Her: “you’re gonna have some sort of lesson and it’s gonna be a good point. 🙄”

      Me: “lol yeah. So let’s pretend you took a baby born in 1800. That’s right. You have a Time Machine and go back and kidnap a baby. Take the baby to 2024 and raise it with all the other 2024 babies. Would it be different than all the other babies or just the same?”

      Her and son (7m): “no, it would be the same”

      Me: “these old stories don’t feel real, they almost feel like movies or make believe, right?”

      Them: “yeah”

      Me: “but they’re not. They happened. With people just like you and me. These stories help us learn about ourselves and what we might do in similar situations.”


    23. Ok_Substance5632 on

      “The King was a very kibd and caring/thoughtful for his kingdom and people” 😴

      “Then one day the King wanted to wage war on the neighboring land so he can build a casino full of hookers” 🤩

    24. The same goes for coding:
      Case 1: Coding in colleges
      Case 2: Learning coding on your own. Using it to fuel your curiosity

    25. You don’t know real drama until you scour thru an online portal with newspapers from the 1920s in Texas…

    26. can’t remember what i ate yesterday, but i can give you a detailed breakdown of 12th century political intrigue

    27. It’s best when you have a history teacher who actually loves history, because he’ll make history class feel like it’s your hobby

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