Johnny Depp and his Super Soaker on the set of ‘Sleepy Hollow’ in the late 90s.

    by bloodsport-on-vhs


    1. ThingCalledLight on

      I’ve had a kid shoot me directly in the eye with that thing. Lord. Like getting punched by Poseidon himself. Felt like it peeled the lids back and got into my retina.

      Thank god I was also a kid and so I was invincible.

    2. I remember having one of those beasts and pumping it far beyond the “max” it would wheeze and squeak as you pushed more and more air into it

    3. Old_Leading2967 on

      He’s got the mk 2, it’d be better if he had the mk 1. The mk 1 version was banned because it was too powerful and was causing minor injuries. You can tell because the pressure gauge on the mk 1 is a little bit longer than the one in this picture.

    4. That thing was awesome. We had an outdoor cat that was constantly getting injured and beat to shit by these three cats from across the street. So I sat up in a tree one day when they came over while my cat was just sitting on the porch. I only shot one of them but it knocked it like five feet down the driveway. After that my cat stopped getting beat up.

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