Justice for 700 Thespians

    by Der-Gunner-Shadow-98


    1. I mean its much more Epic and cooler sounding for the battle to be limited to 300 Spartans.

      Like do you think would it be more cooler if it was called 300 and the 700 Thespian guys who were also there?

    2. “Who cares, they’re just actors!”

      “Actors aren’t animals, they’re human beings!”

      “They are? Have you ever eaten with one?”

    3. SPECTREagent700 on

      In *300* when these guys show up and Leonidas backhanded insults them for not being true warriors (“***SPARTANS! What is your profession?***) was a neat scene but also a rather dickish move towards his ally who at least did bother to show up and fight with them.

    4. YourAverageGenius on

      Honestly I think the Thespians and The Thebans are the true chads at the battle.

      The Spartans were an honor-bound military state, where one’s service and death is the greatest honor, of course they would give their lives fighting a battle even if they had no hope of success, that’s what they were made for. Their lives were only for the state, and after the delphine oracle prophesied that a Spartans king must fall or else Sparta would be in flames, and a divination of certain doom, of course they sought a noble death in battle. But the Thespians and Thebans? They had no loyalty or command to stay and fight, the whole plan was for the rest of the forces to retreat while Sparta fought to death. They were civilians, they had lives and families to return to after the war, and the fact was that they had no loyalty to Sparta considering that Sparta was becoming ever stronger and that, despite the alliance, the city-states often saw each-other as enemies, this alliance only held because only some of the state had agreed to fight against the expansion of the Persians.

      By all reason, there was no need or benefit from those soldiers to join. But they did. Simply because they saw the Spartans willing to give their lives so that others may survive and live to fight on, and decided that they would not fall alone, that they would fight alongside them and give their own lives so that others would have all the more chance to live.

    5. They actually got a shout out the older film “The 300 Spartans”. Fuck ’em in the new film though.

      It was actually something that always confused me. The Spartans were a military culture so going off to fight and die was expected. Everyone else that showed up were just normal people. Doesn’t it take more courage to be the latter?

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