Disney warned us in 1995

    by ThisGonnaHurt


    1. FistPunch_Vol_7 on

      And nothing is happening to him. People are getting hurt because of this bullshit. He said he made it up on national TV and yet there are still people spewing this shit.

    2. Important tangent : read or listen to the real story of Pocahontas.


    3. (Not black) Tbf, he has created them, but he has said before he had to make them stories so people would focus on them. 

      Different to the fact that he’s just making bullshit. Must suck to be his mixed race kids.

      Why do I know this, because Mr free speech “centerist” Musk keeps promoting these losers on my Twitter feed. 

    4. Pocahantas is iffy as a movie, but the soundtrack is solid. Also, “beneath their milky hide, there’s emptiness inside. I wonder if they even bleed” from Savages is one of my favorite Disney lyrics (serves a narrative purpose, unintentionally funny (at least to me)).

    5. One of my favorite stories/urban legends involves the golden disc on the side of the Voyager probe. They recorded all these languages, including Navajo. When asked to translate it, the Navajo man refused. Years later, his grandson finally translated what he had said and it was “Be careful, these people come to steal your land.”

    6. He’ll get someone killed over his lies and half the country will still vote for him 🤦🏿‍♀️

    7. He ain’t create it …a lady actually said that

      I heard how he said that line and the media immediately twisted it like he made the whole thing up

      Like we legit have the yt lady who said the story and apologized

      Vance ain’t come outta nowhere with that story

    8. *”I am calling for a total and complete shutdown of Europeans entering Turtle Island until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”*

    9. No-Business3541 on

      Hmm, you didn’t watch the whole movie if that’s the takeout though. The whole Savages song was a display of racist rethoric.

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