How much the NHS says its services cost (but are free to receive)

    by wdjkhfjehfjehfj


    1. The price for a gp appointment suggests they’re not paying adequate wages to justify study and recruitment.

    2. I’m a technician that works in Clinical Biochemistry (that is, the blood test guys).

      In terms of *just* the lab reagents used to do someones cholesterol blood test, the price is 11p. The same test from Thriva will cost you £53, and an optional £40 phlebotomy charge.

    3. There was a video of someone asking UK people how much they think an American would pay for an ambulance ride…

    4. Outpatient transport to an appointment is about £130. I know because were I used to work we provided it for about 30% less.

    5. I’d happily pay the £36 if it meant I didn’t have to wake up at 8am and then battle the phone lines to then meet the gatekeeping reception team just to see my GP.

    6. teabagmoustache on

      I’m not opposed to charging for missed doctor’s appointments.

      Over a million appointments per month are no shows.

    7. YoghurtAnxious9635 on

      Just wanted to mention that most people in the UK need to pay for prescriptions – only £9.90 per item, so not much but also not free.

      There exceptions including age and some medical conditions can get an exemption

    8. Let’s look at toilet roll and the likes, how much does that cost the NHS to buy. That’s the really thong that needs to be investigated, how do the suppliers get the contracts.

    9. So, what’s the point of this sign? Seems to passive-aggressively suggest people should be happy with what they are getting “for free” and not complain, when this is all paid by taxes.

    10. This should be in every hospital. In france, a lot of people consider healthcare as free, because we never see the price of our healthcare.

    11. sarcastic_sybarite83 on

      Why is no one talking about the lines being stupid lengths?

      They should have done it as a cost graph, but someone decided to screw with it.

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