One eyebrow hair grows like a regular hair. I pluck this thing about as often as I get a haircut

    by gopens95


    1. My buddy has an eyebrow hair like this. He calls it “SGT-Major”. He likes to see how long he can grow it, his wife cuts it off when he is sleeping… lol.

    2. I’ve found a barber shop that will trim these as part of a normal haircut. Of course, all the barbers there are 60 or older so they get it.

    3. That’s nothing. I have a hair that grows from the bottom of my left big toe. I know it’s time to pluck it when it feels like I’m walking on a single shard of glass.

    4. As a hairstylist I just have to say that this is very normal (for men). I trim most male clients eyebrows along w haircut for this reason!

    5. Crazy eyebrows! I love mine, a large amount of people stopped talking to me when I got 5 on each eyebrow. Between those and my “ear tassels” my hair dresser hates that I don’t let them trim them.

    6. I have one on my chin that I call my “witchipoo” hair. It can grow up to an inch before I notice it again and pull it, just for it to start all over again.

    7. I have two or three of those on each side. I either trim them or just rock the long brow look haha

    8. You should considered trimming it with a pair of eyebrow scissors. It will prevent the eyebrows from coming in patchy. Women of a certain vintage know what over plucking does to the growth.

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