
    by yorocky89A


    1. Prestigious_Net_8356 on

      I’m surprised his board members and investors haven’t forced him to have a “handler”, to keep him in check. He’s his own worst enemy.

    2. 1984isAMidlifeCrisis on

      We’re all AWARE of it. What are they doing about it. You can’t just let oligarchs insight violence against elected officials. There’s laws for reasons.

    3. “Sir, I just … I just can’t… I still have thousands of thousands of files to go through, but there is basically no deal he made that isn’t fraudulent. What should we do, he basically is Hitler right now. Also the Guys from the FBI sent us his death count and it’s remarkably high for a public figure. Must have sent the wrong numbers. Hopefully…”

    4. FBI: We’re investigating!
      FBI: (notes the investments the U.S. has made in his companies)
      FBI: We’ve cleared him. He did nothing wrong.

    5. Accomplished_Emu_658 on

      They won’t do anything to him because hes rich and famous. A “poor” would be arrested already.

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