Nosy Mr Smith

    by O-shi


    1. Actually had that happen in the Chicago suburbs. In near Atlanta we were in the yard with white friends visiting and white folk drove up like we were the help…. Them…. Former presidents

    2. I’ve owned my home for over a decade. My neighbors moved in about 8 years ago. We’re all good friends.

      I was talking with them one day in front of the house and some dude who I assume they know rolls by in his car and says “is everything okay?” to them.

      They say yes, we all wave, and he creeps away in his busted rusted hoopdie.

      He circles the block, comes back and says to them “are you sure?”

      We all just look at him like WTF.

      (To clarify, I’m black, they’re white, hoopdie dude was white. Hoopdie dude was trying to protect them from me.)

    3. UhohSantahasdiarrhea on

      As a representative of the white delegation, I’d like to point out a lot of white people don’t know how to talk to black people **at all**.

      You’re not racist, and you don’t want to appear racist, but you’re carefully measuring everything you say in your head to avoid causing offense.

      So you come off as kind of cloying and paternal but its being very cautious with words.

      Point is, try not to take it personal.

    4. I’m Hispanic and every time I see my neighbor (old, white dude of course), he complains about his lawn guy. He says, “he’s a good worker but is unreliable because he works with family members, you know, who just came from Cuba. They have a lot of issues and always end up in jail.” Then says “muy loco situation.”

      Also comments on my son “having a frame” and how he really should play basketball.

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