14,000 Years Old Bison Sculpture Found in Le Tuc d’Audoubert Cave, Ariege, France [1280 x 872]

    by Mysterious_Sorcery


    1. Mysterious_Sorcery on

      From [The Bradshaw Foundation](https://www.bradshawfoundation.com/sculpture/tuc-d-audoubert.php): “These bison were prominently positioned at the centre of a small, difficult to reach chamber deep in the cave system of Tuc d’Audoubert. Made from unbaked clay, the composition depicts the larger bull positioned behind a cow. Their bodies were moulded by hand and still show finger marks. The details of the heads and necks were carved or incised using tools. The tail of the cow, now broken off, was raised ready for mating. European bison mate in September just before the onset of winter. Did the sculptures mark a visit or ceremony at this time of year? Located in Le Tuc d’Audoubert cave, Ariège, France. Magdalenian was the most widely-spread and best-known culture, which started around 17,000 years ago and ended around 11,000 years ago. Its name derives from the La Madeleine site in Dordogne, France. Some of the high points in cave art in all its forms – sculpture, black drawings, polychrome painting, modelling and engraving – are to be found in this period.”

    2. ReflectionSingle6681 on

      it always amazes me how much amazing stuff just waits around to be discovered. Makes me wonder what cool things will be brought to the light In the coming decades.

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