Underrated people

    by Master_Combinator


    1. The janitor lady at my college stopped me to ask how my art project was going and if she could see when it was done when she’d seen me carrying a canvas the week before. They’re just the sweetest.

    2. I used to say hello to the janitor man at my gym but I stopped because he never responded or even acknowledged me in any way 😔

    3. I do this all the time at work. They clean after others. If that job isn’t worthy of one’s respect, I don’t know what is.

    4. I always considered Maintenance staff to be the equal of a HM Slave in Pokémon.

      Talk down to them but they are the ONLY Pokémon you require to have in order to finish the game, since they get you there. That’s what I always keep and train them even if my last choice.

      Same with maintenance staff. Talk them down but if they go on strike you’ll remain without foundations. My father works as a maintenance staff (keeping the AC working and general appliances) and he keeps telling me stories of higher ups begging for his assistance. He is one of the most known and respected members of the company (one of the biggest channels in Greece) and liked by everyone in the building (I have gifts from reporters in the channel, mostly books or comics)!

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