Katt predicting his downfall is top 10 meme moment.

    by No-Satisfaction-5065


    1. I mean, Cassie’s lawsuit was filed around Thanksgiving last year and Katt’s interview was the beginning of this year so it’s not like he was just came out of nowhere.

    2. I been listening to katt since he got choked out by that 7th grader. It sounds crazy but the blood restriction allowed him to see the next dimension.


      Predicting the downfall of a dude with an extremely public case doesn’t make you a prophet

    4. Hannibal Buress did it with Bill Cosby. Either comedians are psychics or, more likely, they are treated like court jesters by celebrities. They can more or less tell the truth about people and everyone will kind of wave it off since it’s just a funny man telling jokes.

    5. black-dude-on-reddit on

      Y’all do realize the circle they all are in knows a lot more about their private shit than we do

      All Katt did was say shit that was already known. We just didn’t get the full scope before the news broke out.

      But even then it’s not like Diddy didn’t have some sketchy ass rumors routinely being floated around

    6. It’s kind of like Harvey Weinstein. It makes me sick that everyone knew and kept it pushing. When Gwenyth Paltrow said how Brad Pitt threatened to beat his ass mind you they were together in the mid 90s before Jen. Like people just didn’t say shit or ignored it but people work with Woody Harreleson and call him a genius yet haven’t watched one of his movies.

      People said Diddy allegedly was doing all this shit out in the open in fact one of the books I read years ago fiction written and the boyfriend was clearly Diddy. It was like a young singer who starts dating her boss it was so clearly Cassie and this was over a decade ago.

    7. TheMoorNextDoor on

      Well idk I mean all the allegations that came out from November 2023 kinda told it to me.

      If anything give Gene Deal his flowers, not only has he been speaking out against Diddy for years he literally said from two months ago he got word that Diddy will be arrested in September… and he was right.

    8. People in Hollywood know each other. Its a job like any other and people knew for years about Diddy, Epstein, Weinstein, Bryan Singer, Dan Schneider, Donald Trump, and others.

    9. Zealousideal-Home779 on

      There is always someone who knows, none of these rich idiots ever are smart enough to a) stay away from the trouble or b) not blab about it

    10. First of all, people been calling him and Bad Boy out for decades. Katt Williams is not a prophet, be for real. This goes to show how many people weren’t talking it seriously until it became “cool” and “funny”.

      Secondly. I don’t want to talk about that monster unless it’s about his punishment. Let him rot.

    11. BigScarcity4935 on

      To be honest, celebrities with Puffs net worth personal lives are actually more accessible than what they think, especially under these circumstances.

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