Why would anyone with a memory vote republican?

    by FictionVent


    1. All Americans do, otherwise our Overton Window wouldn’t be pulled so hard to the Right. People forget what FDR and Eisenhower did for our economy and industries and instead say it was the war effort. Or how Carter was vehemently against the New Deal policies, or that Nixon intentionally fucked over peace talk to grasp/hold on to power

    2. Time-Werewolf-1776 on

      It’s crazy how poor people’s memories are. People think things were good under Trump, and that the economy was great in 2020.

    3. Powerful_Dog7235 on

      look i am so far to the left i would have been arrested as a communist as late as 1987. but this is pretty misleading. on this scale, bush’s would be the time he got a shoe thrown at him, or his many word flubs. biden’s would be his actual debate performance.

      i don’t think it benefits us as dems to downplay the failings of our own candidates, or pretend they don’t exist. dems engage in warmongering too.

      all of this said, Reagan’s economic policies for regular people compared to clinton’s are not even close, and that’s the sort of thing we ought to focus on. dems have a long history of uplifting the middle class economically and making it easier for people to get ahead. if you’re worried about the economy, vote for the democrat!!

    4. TBF, Bill Clinton wasn’t impeached for the blow job, he was impeached for LYING about the blow job. And it there’s one thing that the Republicans won’t stand for, it’s a liar. 🤣

    5. Don’t forget that time Obama saluted with a cup of coffee in his hand.

      Goddammit, I miss that man.

    6. powerlesshero111 on

      This is so dishonest and fucked up. You completely ignored Jimmy Carter and his owning a peanut farm. And Richard Nixon with the hiring people to breaking into a hotel to wiretap the DNC.

    7. Clinton: *Bombed Iraq to distract from Blow Job*

      Obama: *Toppled Libya with no plan for afterwards*

      Biden: Old

    8. They didn’t forget – they were on board the whole time, before, during, and after. Sometimes, it *is* just malice.

    9. You forget all the bullshit crimes they have convinced themselves that the Dems have done. None of it is real but that never matters.

      Its like they think if reality is really real, then the Dems should be accused of the same number of crimes they have committed. And the fact that the republican crimes, which they never really did and are totally innocent of (/s btw) far outnumber the crimes of the democrats, which they totally did and are not made up by them (/s again) just shows how biased, unfair and untrustworthy the mainstream media is. It’s a snake eating it’s own tale and they grown fond of shitting in their own mouth.

    10. NSA collecting data on US citizens for Obama.
      Was there war crimes during the Gulf War? It last 4 days.

    11. Pizzasaurus-Rex on

      I remember when a great American city almost plunged into the ocean like Atlantis, while we had a dressage judge in charge of our nation’s emergency response apparatus.

    12. The tan suit was Obama’s worse scandal according to Republicans. They aren’t going to complain about hundreds of drone strikes that killed civilians.

    13. Don’t forget, the guy who exposed Clinton and lambasted him for having an affair was later caught also having an affair.

    14. Subjective_Object_ on

      I’m liberal as fuck, but we all know exactly how a Trumper would view this.

      Obama is Benghazi,
      Biden is Fauci Covid Monster,
      Clinton is ….. well they’ll say it’s lying under Oath but really they just mad he got a BJ.

    15. SadYogurtcloset2835 on

      Obama expanded the war on terror, sold more weapons than any other president and killed civilians with drone warfare, then ironically received the nobel peace prize….I’m not going to go into Biden and Palestine. In the words of Noam Chomsky, “All U.S. Presidents qualify as war criminals.”

    16. They are in a cult so don’t care one bit about the fact Republicans have been the party of organized crime for over half a century. OTOH they have/had a lot to say about their bullshit smear tactics like White Water, Swiftboat, Benghazi, Obama’s birth certificate, Fast & Furious, Hillary’s emails and Hunter’s laptop.

    17. To be fair, as a foreigner, Obama’s biggest scandal would be drone killings but war is war. Other countries’ leaders have done worse as we can see recently.

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