Please don’t call immigrants animals. I said, no, they’re not humans, they’re animals.

    by what_eve_r


    1. Dependent-Function81 on

      Dehumanization is one form of incitement to genocide. It has also been used to justify war, judicial as well as extrajudicial killing, slavery, the confiscation of property, denial of suffrage and other rights, and to attack enemies or political opponents.

    2. Ok-Firefighter3660 on

      I sat in the Rwandan war crimes tribunal in Arusha Tanzania as an observer. Trump is using the same language the Houthi leaders and broadcasters used to urge on the killing spree. This is beyond incitement to violence.

    3. JustLookingForMayhem on

      I would like to say that while what Trump has said is similar in nature to what Hitler said about minorities and Jewish, Hitler was actually a really good and inspiring speaker who could skillfully play a crowd. Trump is nowhere near as good at giving speeches as Hitler was. This doesn’t change the fact that it is highly concerning that we have a presidential candidate who has these beliefs but merely highlights another pathetic weakness.

    4. Language used by Hitler? No need to go that far back. Look at what Bibi and friends have been doing for years !

    5. Everyone started out as an immigrant unless you are native American. Trumps parents, Melania, his other wives were all immigrants. But I guess there is another issue. What is the opposite of colorblind?

    6. Trump wasn’t able to build his wall, but I’d put money on him getting gas chambers done in a snap, if he gets back in office.

    7. Specialist_Lock8590 on

      American ‘Christian’ Repulicans will be fine with it! “No problem! We adore the racist rapist!”

    8. Desperate-Ad-6463 on

      My first question would not be to him, but to the guys behind him and ask, “you guys *with* this guy?”

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