Blame the Democrats for everything.

    by javelin3000


    1. I’m confused. I thought they kept claiming that democrats are trying to take all their guns.

    2. permabanned_user on

      Tell me more about how progressives are normalizing violence, party of thoughts and prayers. It’s not us that are saying that every mentally ill white person being able to get a gun from a vending machine is just the price we pay for freedom.

    3. Pineapple_Express762 on

      Not speaking in reality…much like Lee has always spoken


    4. Mike Lee is a jackass.

      He wouldn’t know Captain Moroni if Capt slapped Mike Lee with the sword of truth.

    5. Maybe they can secure Trump in a well built facility. The shots fired at Trump could hurt some bystanders. I get that God’s divine powers save Trump from getting shot, but other mere humans don’t have this luck. I think it is a risk to the public to allow Trump access to outside of some form of concrete High-Security Building.

    6. Let’s talk about liberals normalizing violence. What evidence do you have. Trump 1st assassin was a Republican as was his Second.
      So how was the violence done by a Liberal. Also remember Jan. 6 which the Proud Boys etc.

    7. The people who told us to “just get over” school shootings and accept them as a “fact of life” are telling democrats, who want gun control, that democrats are normalizing violence. Sure, weirdos. Maybe if Trump hadn’t removed rules against the mentally ill owning guns we’d all be safer.

    8. I remember something, there was a guy once, he said school shootings are part of life or something, must have been a democrat (sarcasm)

    9. Maximum__Engineering on

      I thought that JD said that shootings were just a “fact of life” and we just needed to get over it and move on. For JD at least, gun violence is very much normalized.

    10. Republicans: We’ve fomented violence for decades. Here’s why it’s the democrats fault!

      Democrats: We think everyone is equal and should have healthcare!

    11. That man was just exercising his CONSTITUTIONALLY protected RIGHT to keep and bear arms! What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED doesn’t Mike Lee understand?!? As the NRA has told us for decades now, FREEDOM loving AMERICANS have the RIGHT to use their guns to attack tyrannical politicians./s

    12. The party who wants sensible gun control. The party that wants laws that keep the mentality ill from buying guns.So they aren’t a danger to themselves or others.

      The party that supports persons with mental health issues to get care that will be covered by insurance carriers.

      That is the party promoting violence.

      If I remember correctly all the January 6th participants were Republicans. The same ones screaming to kill Mike Pence.

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