no, no… he’s got a point.

    by TwoCarsTennessee


    1. HeavyVeterinarian350 on

      With how no shots went off, the news cycle being how bad it was for him, I’m not saying it’s true, but not discounting it either, that it was staged.

    2. I mean I care, I want him to live long enough so hopefully, we see his ass beaten in the electoral count and then he is sentenced to jail time a few weeks later. There are also more trials Jerry, more trials!!!!!

    3. WannaBeDistiller on

      All the dip shits that are going to donate after an email was sent out will. I’m gonna go turn off my uncles wifi before he donates the college fund

    4. President Biden said, “There is no place for political violence.”

      What else would you like him to say.?

      He could quote JD Vance on gun violence, and say it’s just a fact of life !

    5. lol, trump should take his own advice and get over it. that school shooting had 3 people die and 6 people injured, if he’s telling us to get over that, he needs to get over himself.

      maybe he can consult with jd ‘school shootings are a fact of life’ vance for some sympathy.




    6. Yeah well, this is America in 2024.

      Why isn’t anyone moved by these? There are too many reasons to list.

    7. What’s interesting is *what’s changed* – he can fundraise all he wants, but he can’t fundraise enough to rid the reality that people are no longer afraid of physical confrontations with him. This was unthinkable prior to this summer.

      Now he has to wonder, at every rally…every public appearance – ‘who’s that over there? How well do I think I know that guy? Who just came in the room while my back was turned?’ Every waking moment now is about when’s the next time someone’s gonna take a shot at him.

      Because when that’s happened, and you’re targeted, even if that threat is removed, you always feel like there’s a target on your back for the rest of your life regardless. Your life is never the same again and someone like Donald Trump would likely have a psychotic breakdown over this.

      He’s paranoid and has a persecution complex as it stands!

    8. Advanced_Aspect_7601 on

      The only shocking part is that we’ve gotten to the point where this isn’t that shocking.

    9. I resent the bump he gets in the polls and distraction from his bat shit insane policies, so people shouldn’t do this shit.

    10. No democrat wants him to be a martyr. This is the republican dream. They are trying to build the narrative that democrats want him dead so when they get rid of him, they will push the candidate they want and ride on the wave of sympathy. Remember that with republicans, every accusation is a confession.

    11. When America basically ignored the Dec 2012 Newtown mass shooting, in terms of gun reform, I seriously lost my ability to care. When we did nothing after that incident, I knew we would never make any changes in terms of mitigating gun violence. Trump being shot *at* once, and having his SS shoot at another alleged perpetrator is just another day in America. Even if Trump had been seriously injured or worse, why should that be a bigger deal than 25 young children and their teachers being gunned down in a classroom? I doubt any of those children or teachers who died instigated any violence. I am not sure the same could be said for DJT.

    12. I don’t want him dead. I want him to spend his remaining time on this planet sitting in a prison cell for all the crimes he’s committed.

      I have added Piss on his grave to my bucket list, but I’m in no hurry. I just want his freedom taken away.

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