Don’t ask what you can do for racism, ask what it can do for you

    by Firebird12301


    1. JackDangerUSPIS on

      She gets tide pods she can sell for drug money and you get grounds for a lawsuit against a mega corporation, win-win

    2. Inside-Is-Winside on

      White women used to use my oversized ass as a whole diversion and rob the fuck out of stores while the employees were watching me. Turns out them bitches stay criming.


    3. This happened to me a month ago at Bestbuy. White lady power walked out the store at the same time I was leaving. Buzzer went off and the hit looked at me and said can I see your items sir. Mind you, I was at store pick up which is less than 5 feet from the entrance where he was standing. Then I showed him the store pickup sticker and he asked for my receipt 😅 at bestbuy the store pickup sticker IS the receipt

    4. OkPomegranate3490 on

      I had a white ex best friend who would routinely do this at every mall we went to and would steal constantly and watch me get searched

    5. VapidRapidRabbit on

      “You gotta use what you got to get what you want.” — Ronnie


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