So many questions, but the fine print is the cherry on top for me.

    by Coyomojo


    1. DearApartment5236 on

      I’m convinced that they just make up weird sh1t just to see who’s stupid enough to do it.

    2. Attendees MUST learn to fold / unfold their genitals!

      WTF? I didn’t think origami extended that far.

    3. Like how many seconds are 33 lunar seconds in normal person seconds… “asking for a friend”.

    4. “You will be completely soaked in herbal liquid” 
      I’m envisioning some redneck spitting chaw on a bunch of people doing yoga.

    5. They be creating wierd shit to see people naked and put “yoga” in front of it… And people still falling for this.

    6. ButterscotchFront340 on

      Disgusting! I’ll take two sessions. Back to back. So I can save one unnecessary unfolding in the middle. Who has time to waste.

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