What the Republicans want

    by Sko_ko_dol


    1. Greedy-Bookkeeper460 on

      I am so used to hearing about gun violence and mass shootings that the first thing i noticed here was the CD for sale on the counter. The one on the right is from Zoey Dechannel’s band called “She and Him” they’re a lot of fun, very light. If you like the early Beatles, you will probably like all her band’s music.

    2. The_Electric_Mayham on

      Drop his magazine with the press of a button and watch his brain lock up. This fucker is too stupid to live.

    3. The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a double short half-skimmed Frappuccino with no whip.

    4. If the shop got hit right then, whats the over/under that this guy could get that rifle ready by the time he was noticed as an open carry then shot and relieved of it?

    5. Stuff like that doesn’t make people around you feel safer. It makes people around you nervous that you’re a nut bag about to open up on everybody.

      Why? Normal people do not do this.

    6. EmperorBozopants on

      “It would be so much more comfortable to order coffee if I didn’t have a gun in my asscrack.”

    7. These are the people upset that someone with a rifle is able to get within a few hundred yards of DonOld Sr., and wonder how it’s possible.

    8. OpenImagination9 on

      Another fearful coward who’s angry because his wife has been fantasizing about the pool boy.

    9. Starbucks is not worth the anxiety that comes with standing next to someone like that in line. I’ll make coffee at home, thanks.

    10. When you are carrying a gun for defense where you have to have a clear intent of personal harm to shoot. Which means your adversary is in close proximity, but your optic setup is for distance.

      That is not an LPVO scope.

    11. Even if you’re a scared pussy with dreams of being a vigilante, carrying an assault rifle is dumb. A concealed sidearm is all you need and has the benefit of not making other armed customers see you as a threat. The unarmed are also likely to be scared.

    12. How do you not feel like a huge fucking loser, strapping an assault rifle to your back to get a tall latte?

    13. Well you’ve got to have a great big scope like that when you’re indoors and there’s nothing further than 20 feet from you.

    14. So right now all they have the Trump shooter on is he was a felon. Otherwise he’s “white guy rolling around in the bushes open carrying” and considering the 2A wants felons to be able to get their gun rights back, they want to decriminalize what he was doing

    15. Ok I’ll ask WTF is that supposed to be. Are we on Parris Island. I guess not because they don’t let recruits parade around in a way that could allow them to shoot their ass off by some rookie mistake. Just sayin

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